#math60#<#1#>int<#1#>(x) is the
integer operator, taking the
integer part of x.
All straight wires belonging to a major element defined by more
than two major nodes are divided into segments of equal length.
Following the ``same surface rule'' [#Ludwig87##1###], these
wires are modelled with a radius of #math61##tex2html_wrap_inline1060#.
When the wire is a major element defined by two nodes, the
``same surface rule'' is irrelevant, and the user must specify
radii for the two end points, which is independent of the
discretization. (The code still offers a radius of
#math62##tex2html_wrap_inline1064# as the default, although this will of
course almost certainly be incorrect in this case). The number
of segment divisions on the wire is still defined by
(#numofsegments#531>). In addition to simple wires of uniform
radius (corresponding to a <#223#>GW<#223#> NEC2 card), WIREGRID can also
handle tapered wires, generating the necessary <#224#>GW<#224#> and <#225#>
GC<#225#> cards.